How To Pay Off Mortgage Faster: 6 Easy Steps!

How To Pay Off Mortgage Faster: 6 Easy Steps! The idea of paying off a mortgage early can feel like climbing a mountain that never seems to…


How To Pay Off Mortgage Faster: 6 Easy Steps!

The idea of paying off a mortgage early can feel like climbing a mountain that never seems to end, especially if you have a 30-year mortgage loan. In fact, the typical mortgage holder will spend more than two decades making regular payments before they finally become homeowners in full.

This article aims to show you that it doesn’t need to be this way, with practical strategies and tips on how you can accelerate your journey up the mortgage mountain. Ready for an early exit from this uphill climb? Keep reading for our 6 easy steps on how to pay off your mortgage faster!

Key Takeaways

  • Make extra payments toward your mortgage: Adding extra amounts to your monthly payment or setting aside funds for an additional yearly payment can reduce the principal amount and shorten the loan term.
  • Refinance your mortgage: Consider refinancing to obtain better terms and lower interest rates, which can save you money in the long run and help pay off your mortgage faster.
  • Round up your mortgage payments: Increase your monthly payment slightly to round it up, which can make a significant difference over time in reducing the overall balance of your loan.
  • Try the dollar-a-month plan: By adding just one extra dollar to your monthly payment, you can reduce the principal balance more quickly and ultimately pay off your mortgage sooner.

Ways to Pay Off Your Mortgage Faster in 6 Easy Steps!

Refinance your mortgage

Refinancing your mortgage can be a smart move if you want to pay it off faster. By obtaining a new loan with better terms and possibly lower interest rates, you can save money in the long run.

Refinancing gives you the opportunity to reduce your monthly payments or shorten the loan term, allowing you to build equity faster and ultimately pay off your mortgage ahead of schedule.

It’s important to carefully consider when refinancing is beneficial for your financial situation and goals, but it can be an effective strategy for accelerating your mortgage repayment journey.

Some relevant facts:

– Refinancing allows you to obtain a new loan with better terms and potentially lower interest rates.

Round up your mortgage payments

One strategy to pay off your mortgage faster is by rounding up your mortgage payments. Instead of making just the minimum required payment each month, consider increasing it slightly.

For example, if your monthly mortgage payment is $1,200, round it up to $1,300 or even $1,500. This extra amount may seem small at first, but over time it can make a significant difference in reducing the overall balance of your loan and shortening the loan term.

By consistently rounding up your payments, you’ll be able to chip away at the principal faster and accelerate the process of paying off your mortgage early.

Try the dollar-a-month plan

One strategy to pay off your mortgage faster is by trying the dollar-a-month plan. This involves adding just one extra dollar to your monthly mortgage payment. While it may seem like a small amount, it can make a big difference over time.

By consistently adding this small extra amount, you’ll be able to reduce the principal balance of your loan more quickly. This will ultimately result in paying off your mortgage sooner and saving on interest payments in the long run.

So consider giving the dollar-a-month plan a try and see how it can help you pay off your mortgage faster.

Use unexpected income as an extra payment

If you receive unexpected income, such as a bonus or tax refund, put it toward your mortgage.  Applying this one extra payment over time makes a difference! It goes directly toward the principal and can help reduce the balance and shorten the loan term.

By making additional payments whenever you have some extra cash on hand, you can accelerate the process of paying off your mortgage and potentially save on interest payments in the long run.

Refinance to a Shorter Term

Refinancing to a shorter term is one way to pay off your mortgage faster. If you can afford higher monthly payments, consider refinancing to a 15-year mortgage instead of the standard 30-year term. This early payoff approach allows you to build equity swiftly and gain financial freedom much sooner.

Additionally, refinancing can save you tens of thousands of dollars in interest over the life of the loan. By opting for a shorter term, you have the potential to cut your mortgage in half the time, which is a significant advantage.

However, it’s essential to carefully analyze your financial situation and ensure that you can comfortably afford the higher monthly payments. Paying down your mortgage ahead of schedule is one way to demonstrate your financial responsibility and impress your mortgage company, possibly leading to more favorable terms or interest rates. In the long run, refinancing to a shorter term not only helps you pay less overall but also serves as a proactive step toward achieving your dream of owning your home outright.

Bring your lunch to work

Bringing your lunch to work is a simple yet effective way to save money and pay off your mortgage faster. By packing your own lunch, you can cut down on dining out expenses and redirect that extra cash towards making additional mortgage payments.

Consider preparing meals in advance or using leftovers from dinner to make it easier and more convenient. This small change in your daily routine can add up over time, helping you reduce the principal amount of your mortgage and ultimately shorten the loan term.

Take advantage of this cost-saving opportunity and start putting those savings towards paying off your mortgage early.

Benefits of Paying Off A Mortgage Early

Paying off your mortgage early offers several benefits.

Save on interest payments

Paying off your mortgage early can lead to significant savings on interest payments. By reducing the length of your loan term, you’ll have fewer months for interest to accrue, resulting in less money paid overall.

Making extra payments towards your principal each month or refinancing to a lower interest rate are effective strategies for saving on interest expenses. Additionally, budgeting for an extra payment each year or recasting your mortgage can further decrease the total amount of interest you’ll need to pay.

Take advantage of these methods and watch as your interest payments dwindle, allowing you to achieve financial freedom sooner than expected.

Build equity faster

One of the benefits of paying off your mortgage early is that it allows you to build equity faster. Equity is the difference between the value of your home and the amount you owe on your mortgage.

As you make payments and reduce your mortgage balance, your equity increases. By paying off your mortgage faster, you can accelerate this process and start building equity in your home at a quicker pace.

This can be advantageous if you plan on selling your home in the future or if you want to use your home equity for other financial purposes. Increasing equity also provides a sense of security and stability as a homeowner.

Gain financial freedom

Paying off your mortgage early can lead to a sense of financial freedom. By eliminating this major monthly expense, you free up more money for other goals and expenses. With no mortgage payment hanging over your head, you have the flexibility to pursue other investmentssave for retirement, or even take that dream vacation you’ve always wanted.

Plus, without the burden of mortgage debt, you can enjoy greater peace of mind and feel more secure in your financial future.

Tips and Strategies To Pay Off Your Mortgage Early

Make extra house payments, consider biweekly mortgage payments, refinance or pretend you did, downsize your home, and avoid buying more house than you can afford. Discover these strategies to pay off your mortgage faster and take control of your financial future.

Make One Extra Mortgage Payment

One effective strategy to pay off your mortgage faster is by making extra house payments. By sending additional money towards the principal each month, you can significantly accelerate the mortgage payoff process.

This helps reduce the overall amount of interest you’ll pay over the life of the loan and allows you to build equity in your home at a quicker pace. Making extra house payments can be done as often as you are able, whether it’s on a monthly basis or whenever you have some extra funds available.

Remember, even small amounts can make a difference in reducing your mortgage debt and shortening the loan term. So start making those extra house payments today and take one step closer to being mortgage-free!

Consider biweekly payments

Consider biweekly mortgage payments as a strategy to pay off your mortgage faster. Instead of making monthly payments, you make half of your regular payment every two weeks. This means you end up making 26 half-payments in a year, which is equivalent to 13 full payments.

By doing this, you effectively make an extra payment each year and reduce the principal amount faster. Making biweekly mortgage payments can help you save on interest and shorten the overall loan term, helping you become debt-free sooner.

Refinance or pretend you did

Refinancing your mortgage rate can be a smart move if you want to pay off your loan faster. By refinancing, you can secure a new loan with better terms and potentially lower interest rates.

This means that more of your monthly payment goes towards reducing the principal balance, allowing you to shorten the overall loan term. Even if you don’t actually refinance, pretending that you did can still be beneficial.

You can make extra payments as if you had refinanced, effectively accelerating your mortgage payoff without incurring any additional fees or paperwork. It’s a savvy strategy to consider if paying off your mortgage faster is one of your financial goals.

Downsize your home

Downsizing your home is a practical strategy to pay off your mortgage faster. By selling your current house and moving into a smaller, more affordable property, you can potentially free up a significant amount of money that can be put towards paying off your mortgage quicker.

With a smaller mortgage balance, you’ll have less interest to pay over time, allowing you to save on overall costs. Additionally, downsizing can reduce other expenses such as utilities and maintenance fees, further increasing the amount of money you can allocate towards mortgage repayment.

Ultimately, by making the choice to downsize your home, you can expedite the process of becoming mortgage-free and achieve financial freedom sooner.

Avoid buying more house than you can afford

Purchasing a house that is within your budget is crucial when it comes to paying off your mortgage faster. It’s important to resist the temptation of buying a larger or more expensive home than you can comfortably afford.

By sticking to a house that aligns with your financial situation, you’ll have greater control over your mortgage payments and avoid unnecessary stress. It allows you to allocate more funds toward paying down the principal balance and accelerating the repayment process.

So, make sure to carefully analyze your finances before making any housing decisions.

Use A Mortgage Calculator

Using a mortgage payoff calculator can be a powerful tool in your journey toward paying down your mortgage and ultimately getting rid of your mortgage altogether. By utilizing this handy tool, you can gain valuable insights into your repayment strategy, helping you devise a plan to pay off your mortgage quickly and efficiently. The mortgage payoff calculator takes into account factors such as your loan amount, interest rate, and repayment term, allowing you to explore various scenarios and identify the most suitable approach for your financial goals.

With disciplined and focused efforts, you can leverage the calculator’s guidance to make extra payments, reduce interest costs, and accelerate your mortgage payoff, bringing you one step closer to achieving financial freedom and owning your home outright.

Frequently Asked Questions About an Early Mortgage Payoff

Have questions about paying off your mortgage early? Find answers to common inquiries and get the information you need to make informed decisions about your home loan.

Will paying off my mortgage affect my taxes?

Paying off your mortgage can have an impact on your taxes. When you have a mortgage, you can usually deduct the interest paid on it from your taxable income. However, once you pay off your mortgage, this deduction goes away.

This means that without the mortgage interest deduction, your taxable income may increase and potentially result in a higher tax liability. It’s important to consider these implications when deciding whether to pay off your mortgage early.

Does paying off my mortgage affect my homeowner’s insurance?

Paying off your mortgage does not directly affect your homeowner’s insurance. Your insurance coverage and premium are based on the value of your home, its contents, and other factors such as location and claim history.

However, once you pay off your mortgage, it’s a good idea to review your policy and make any necessary updates or adjustments to ensure you have adequate coverage for your property.

Keep in mind that homeowners insurance is still important even when you don’t have a mortgage because it protects against risks such as fire, theft, liability, and natural disasters.

Is it wise to pay off my mortgage with my 401(k)?

Paying off your mortgage with your 401(k) is not a wise decision. Your 401(k) is meant for retirement savings and should be used for that purpose only. Withdrawing funds from your 401(k) to pay off your mortgage can result in early withdrawal penalties, taxes, and the loss of potential growth on your investment.

It’s important to consider alternative strategies such as making extra payments or refinancing your mortgage instead of using your retirement funds.


Paying off your mortgage faster is a goal that many homeowners strive for. By implementing strategies such as making extra paymentsrefinancing, and budgeting wisely, you can reduce the amount of interest you pay over the life of the loan.

Not only will paying off your mortgage early save you money on interest payments, but it will also help build equity faster and provide you with greater financial freedom. With dedication and smart planning, you can achieve the goal of paying off your mortgage ahead of schedule and enjoy the benefits of being debt-free sooner rather than later.


1. What are some strategies for paying off a mortgage faster?

Some strategies for paying off a mortgage faster include making bi-weekly payments instead of monthly, increasing your monthly payment amount, making extra principal payments whenever possible, and refinancing to a shorter loan term.

2. Are there any disadvantages to paying my mortgage off early?

There may be some disadvantages to paying off a mortgage faster, such as tying up your funds that could be used for other investments or financial goals. Additionally, if you have a low-interest rate on your mortgage, it may make more sense to invest the extra money elsewhere where you can potentially earn higher returns.

3. Will I save money by paying off my mortgage early?

Yes, by paying off your mortgage early, you can save money on interest payments over the life of the loan. The sooner you pay it off completely, the less total interest you will end up paying. Speaking with your mortgage lender will help you decide how to pay off your home early.

4. Can I still pay off my mortgage faster if I have a fixed-rate loan?

Yes, even with a fixed-rate loan, you can still pay it off faster by following some of the strategies mentioned earlier like making extra principal payments or refinancing to a shorter-term loan. However, keep in mind that there may be prepayment penalties associated with some loans that limit how much you can pay toward the principal each year without incurring fees.

5. Is it possible to pay off a 30-year mortgage in 15 years?

Yes, it is possible to pay off a 30-year mortgage in 15 years by making extra payments toward the principal and/or refinancing to a shorter-term loan.

6. Will paying off my mortgage early help me pay less in interest?

Yes, paying off your mortgage early can help you pay less in interest over the life of your loan. By reducing the principal balance, you decrease the amount of interest that accrues over time.

7. Can I pay a lump sum toward my mortgage?

A: Yes, you can pay a lump sum toward your mortgage at any time. This can help you reduce your principal balance and pay off your mortgage more quickly.